For men’s: Excess oil on the face is considered an important starting point of acne problems. When excess oil is produced and coats the skin, combined with dead outer skin cells, it clogs the pores, becoming acne called comedones. Then, after a large amount of bacteria on the skin (Propionibacterium acne or P. Acnes) eat the clogged oil, they release Free Fatty Acid, which is waste that irritates the skin, causing irritation and inflammation, eventually leading to swollen, red acne (Inflammation Acne).

What causes acne?
Not washing your face before going to bed.
If you want to get rid of acne, the first rule is to wash your face clean before going to bed every day. The most important way to treat acne is to not be lazy. Try to resist the urge to lie down and go to sleep immediately. Even if you are too tired to take a shower, at least wash your face clean.
Cleanliness of pillowcases and bed sheets.
If you want to have a clear face and be free from acne, you should always keep your pillowcases and sheets clean. By changing the pillowcases and bedsheets regularly to prevent them from becoming a source of germs, including bacteria, dust mites, yeast, สมัคร ufabet, and fungus. Therefore, an easy and effective way to treat acne is to change your pillowcases and bedsheets every 1-2 weeks.
Always wash you clothes clean
Take a moment to check how you wash your clothes. Washing clothes properly can solve acne problems caused by bacteria and residues such as detergent and fabric softener. For those with sensitive skin, you should choose a gentle detergent or make sure to rinse with plain water until the clothes are clean and free of residues.
Cleaning the phone
Clean your phone. Your phone can collect germs and dust from the air and in your pocket. Therefore, you should clean your phone regularly to prevent bacteria from spreading to your skin while you are using it.
Avoid touching your face frequently with your hands.
Avoid touching your face with your hands during the day, especially after handling devices such as electronic devices, mice, keyboards. And other items that may be a source of germs. Also, you should wash your hands thoroughly before touching yor face and do not squeeze. Or pick at pimples without washing your hands thoroughly first. If you can avoid these things, you should avoid them to keep your face clean and pimple-free.