Anti-allergenic foods: Stop Allergies, Just Take Care of Yourself

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Prevention is better than letting it happen. For those who have a hidden food allergy, choosing the food is very important. It is something that must be meticulous and extra careful to prevent the allergic reaction from happening again. Foods that have properties to fight allergies include:

Protein: for those who suffer from allergies or are frequently allergic to the air, try to boost your immunity by eating foods rich in protein, such as meat, eggs, grains, milk, etc.,

To alleviate symptoms from allergies. This is because protein contains important nutrients that build immunity for our bodies. It also plays an important role in building muscle and repairing worn out parts.

  • Meat: In meat such as pork, chicken and all types of freshwater fish there is protein that functions to repair worn out parts of the body. In the final steps of the digestive system, these proteins are chang into amino acids that function to build immunity in the body and prevent allergies.
  • Peanut butter: Peanut butter is another food that is high in protein and rich in good fat. For those who suffer from allergies frequently, try eating peanut butter regularly. However, you should eat the right amount per day and choose one that does not contain sugar for a healthy choice.

Omega 3: is an essential fatty acid for the body’s systems, which plays an important role in helping the nervous system and brain. It also helps to strengthen the immune system, responding to germs and foreign substances that enter the body very well.

However, it is an essential fatty acid that the body cannot create on its own. So it must be obtain from eating various types such as fish, nuts, seeds, and โปรโมชั่น ufabet, green leafy vegetables.

  • Deep sea fish: contain omega 3, which helps build immunity in the body. Helps prevent foreign substances from entering the body, and eating sea fish also helps with memory and prevents 
    Alzheimer ‘s disease.
  • Chia seeds: are small seeds similar to basil seeds, rich in omega-3 protein. And antioxidants that help strengthen the body’s immune system and fight allergies.

Vitamin C : helps prevent the release of histamine, an important substance that the body produces and causes allergies. Especially during changing weather conditions, eating foods that contain vitamin C will help increase immunity and prevent air allergies.

  • Vegetables and fruits: egetables and fruits are rich in various vitamins, especially vitamin C, which helps inhibit the release of histamine. Which is the cause of allergies and helps reduce inflammation caused by allergies. It also helps the immune system work efficiently. However, they must be eat in the right amount because some fruits are sweet. If you eat too much, you may be at risk of diabetes.

The main factor of latent food allergies is from eating food. Therefore, knowing how to be careful and always observing your own food when eating each type of food is consider as taking care of yourself initially. Because when an allergic reaction occurs, at least we know the cause and origin of the allergy. We can use it as a guideline for analysis to find a way to treat it.