The body odor problem can solve.

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The body odor problem can solve.

Body odor arises from the smell of substances produced by the sebaceous glands. and the smell of the keratin protein on the skin being broken down by bacteria. and the smell of the food we eat, such as garlic and spices, which are secreted through normal sweat glands 

The armpits are sweating a lot. It will make us lose our personality. Whether there is a bad smell Or the shirt in the armpit area is wet. Therefore, it is a problem that many people cannot solve. to the point of immediately losing confidence.

The main causes of body odor problems

1. Bacteria resident in the armpit area The number will increase from the heat and humidity of the air.
2. The production of sweat from apocrine sweat glands. People with body odor have large and numerous sweat glands under their skin. These sweat glands can also be stimulated by the testosterone Androgrn.

Factors that stimulate body odor:

1. Spicy food such as curry and various spicy curries that contain ingredients. of turmeric, garlic, and strong-smelling spices When digested, sulfur gas is produced mixed with oxygen in the blood that goes to the pores. If you eat spicy food, it causes your body to sweat, especially under your arms
2. Obesity: Fat people tend to have stronger body odor than thinner people. Because fat people have a chance that their external organs are damp. It creates more unwanted odor in the armpits, belly, and groin than thin people. And the sweat glands also produce more sweat than thin people.
3. Diabetes. In the case of diabetes that is not treated. The body will begin to excrete fat to use as energy, resulting in higher ketone levels in the body. After that, the accumulated material will turn into body odor.
4. Some medicines: Medicines can treat disease but can also cause odor. For example, morphine or fever reducers can cause sweating to cause body odor.
5. Stress: Normal sweat will ufabet smell less than stress sweat. This type of sweat gland is called a sweat gland. Apocrine glands: The fluid from these glands is less watery. But it attracts more bacteria. causing more odor